Examination documents 21-41
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Please note: This page is no longer being updated and is for information only. It relates to the now adopted Joint Core Strategy.
01/05/2015 - EXAM 21 - CBC economic strategy appendix B - site analysis and employment land review (pdf, 1.3 MB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 22 - CBC economic strategy appendix C - consultation report (pdf, 645 KB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 23A - Cheltenham Borough Council local development scheme timetable (pdf, 216 KB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 23B - Gloucester City Council local development scheme, 2015-17 (pdf, 486 KB)
01?05/2015 - EXAM 24 - Tewkesbury Borough Plan - draft policies and site options, 2011-31 (pdf, 28 MB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 25 - Tewkesbury Borough Plan - draft policies and site options, 2011-31 (pdf, 1.5 MB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 26 - Tewkesbury Borough Plan - integrated SA non-technical summary (pdf, 255 KB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 27 - Tewkesbury Borough Plan - habitats regulations assessment initial screening, 2015 (pdf, 825 KB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 28 - Tewkesbury Borough Plan - approach to rural sites, 2011-31 (pdf, 9 MB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 29 - Assessment of land availability report, 2013-14 (pdf, 861 KB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 30 - Landscape and visual sensitivity study (pdf, 9.3 MB)
01/05/2015 - EXAM 31 - Landscape and visual sensitivity study - addendum (pdf, 12.3 MB)
08/05/2015 - EXAM 33A - JCS authorities statement to Stroud Local Plan (pdf, 275 KB)
08/05/2015 - EXAM 33B - Stroud response to EXAM 33A submitted to the Stroud LP examination (pdf, 34 KB)
18/05/2015 - EXAM 34 - Inspectors note on housing issues (pdf, 60 KB)
18/05/2015 - EXAM 34A - JCS response to EXAM 34 (pdf, 475 KB)
19/05/2015 - EXAM 35 - Inspectors preliminary note on gypsies and travellers (pdf, 59 KB)
19/05/2015 - EXAM 35A - JCS response to EXAM 35 (pdf, 270 KB)
19/05/2015 - EXAM 35C - Dacorum BC high court judgement, June 2014 (pdf, 232 KB)
19/05/2015 - EXAM 35D - High court judgement - Nottingham, Broxtrowe and Gedling, 21 April 2015 (pdf, 143 KB)
19/05/2015 - EXAM 36 - JCS update letter to the Inspector on affordable housing (pdf, 128 KB)
19/05/2015 - EXAM 37A - Strategic economic plan for Gloucestershire, March 2014 (pdf, 8 MB)
19/05/2015 - EXAM 37B - Strategic economic plan - appendices (pdf, 3 MB)
19/05/2015 - EXAM 38 - DtC update with LEP (pdf, 553 KB)
19/05/2015 - EXAM 39 - 2012 based sub-national population projections for England (pdf, 76 KB)
19/05/2015 - EXAM 40A - Making sense of the new household projections (pdf, 70 KB)
19/05/2015 - EXAM 40B - Whither household projections (pdf, 248 KB)
20/05/2015 - EXAM 41 - Household projections 2012 based methodological report, February 2015 (pdf, 733 KB)