How we will consult you

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How we will consult is set out in our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). We are working towards more interactive, web-based engagement utilising best practice. However, we will ensure no group or individual are unfairly prevented from getting involved and will do our best to ensure inclusivity in the plan making process to ensure compliance with national policy.

Depending on the above, we will seek to consult via:


We will hold public exhibitions around the JCS area during the consultation period. Officers working on the Joint Strategic Plan will be available to answer any questions. We will also be holding separate events for key partners on key topics/issues and will write to you separately inviting you to these. Where public events cannot be held in person, virtual events will be considered. Members of staff working on the JCS Review will be available to answer any questions during virtual events, wherever possible.

Direct communication

We will be emailing agents, developers, key partners, local interest groups, town and parish councils and members of the public who have expressed an interest in being kept informed, i.e. registered, please email your contact details to


Paper copies of key documents can be viewed at different locations across the JCS area. We will provide details of these alongside future consultations.