Preparation of CIL charging schedules
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Please note: This page is no longer being updated and is for information only. It relates to the now adopted Joint Core Strategy.
Preparation of CIL charging schedules
CIL Examiner Elizabeth Ord LLB(Hons) LLM MA DipTUS was appointed to examine the legal compliance and viability of the JCS CIL Charging Schedules.
Hearing sessions took place from Tuesday 15th to Thursday 17th May 2018.
Examiners questions
Please find below two documents with questions raised by the Examiner, prior to the hearings, with answers provided by the JCS team and Porter Planning Economics (PPE) respectively. An addendum to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP), prepared by Arup, was also submitted:
CILEXAM001 - Examiner's questions with JCS Team responses (pdf, 173 KB)
CILEXAM002(a) - Examiner's questions with PPE responses on viability (pdf, 2 MB)
CILEXAM002(b) - Additional table: Non-residential, retail, warehouse (pdf, 153 KB)
CILEXAM002(c) - Additional table: Non-residential, small local convenience (pdf, 156 KB)
CILEXAM002(d) - Additional table: Non-residential, smaller supermarket (pdf, 153 KB)
CILEXAM002(e) - Additional table: Non-residential, supermarket (pdf, 163 KB)
Written statements
The following written statements were received in relation to the Examiner’s questions and the responses of the JCS Authorities:
CILEXAM004(b) - LRM Planning for Bloor Homes & Persimmon Homes (pdf, 111 KB)
CILEXAM004(c) - Pioneer Property Services for Robert Hitchins Ltd (pdf, 281 KB)
CILEXAM004(f) - Tetlow King for Northern Trust Barberry Cheltenham & Midlands Land (pdf, 119 KB)
Hearing statements
The following submission was accepted by the Examiner during the hearing session on Wednesday 18th May 2018:
Notes to the examiner
In response to information requested by the Examiner during the course of the hearings the following notes were prepared by the JCS Authorities and PPE were submitted to the examination.
CILEXAM006 - JCS Authorities' Amended Draft Charging Schedules and Regulation 123 Lists (pdf, 1 MB)
CILEXAM007(a) - JCS Authorities' Strategic Allocations (pdf, 542 KB)
CILEXAM007(b) - Residential Viability Assessment of Strategically Large Sites (pdf, 362 KB)
Post examination hearings JCS authority submissions
In response to further information requested by the Examiner during the course of the hearings the following notes were prepared by the JCS Authorities and PPE and were submitted on Friday 25th May 2018.
CILEXAM008(b) - PPE Technical Note on sales values (pdf, 439 KB)
CILEXAM009(a) - Placemaking and value 1st edition 2016 PG guidance (pdf, 8 MB)
CILEXAM009(b) - Spotlight the value of placemaking 2016 (pdf, 2 MB)
CILEXAM010 - Note to Inspector on DS7 questions (pdf, 287 KB)
CILEXAM011(a) - Note to Inspector on recent s106 costs on large sites (pdf, 270 KB)
CILEXAM012 - Technical Note on the Impact of S106 on CIL Headroom (pdf, 359 KB)
In response to the further information provided by the JCS Authorities and PPE the following submissions have been received:
Further points of clarification were sought by the Examiner and answers provided by the JCS Authorities:
The CIL Examination Document Library can be accessed by following the link below:
Other documents submitted to support the examination can be accessed by following the links below:
SUB001 - Gloucester City Council draft charging schedule (pdf, 652 KB)
SUB002 - Cheltenham Borough Council draft charging schedule (pdf, 624 KB)
SUB003 - Tewkesbury Borough Council draft charging schedule (pdf, 618 KB)
SUB004 - PBA plan viability, CIL and affordable housing study, January 2016 (pdf, 2.22 MB)
SUB005 - JCS CIL regulations instalments policy (pdf, 68 KB)
Spilt into the various topics, the documents listed cover all of the specific information for the CIL and in most cases are a copy of that also supplied and examined, where appropriate, through the JCS plan hearings.
VIA001 - DVS viability assessment study, stage 1, June 2014 (pdf, 136 KB)
VIA002 - DVS viability assessment study, stage 2, March 2015 (pdf, 2 MB)
VIA003 - DVS viability assessment study, update stage 1 and stage 3, February 2015 (pdf, 285 KB)
VIA004 - CIL viability study - consultation workshop meeting note, October 2014 (pdf, 98 KB)
VIA005 - JCS viability round table - note of common and uncommon ground, July 2015 (pdf, 143 KB)
VIA006 - JCS CIL regulations instalments policy (pdf, 68 KB)
VIA007 - Additional strategic site report - final (PBA), September 2016 (pdf, 786 KB)
VIA008 - Winnycroft strategic site appraisal report (pdf, 439 KB)
VIA009 - PBA plan viability, CIL and affordable housing study, January 2016 (pdf, 2 MB)
INF001 - JCS infrastructure delivery plan, August 2014 (pdf, 3 MB)
INF002 - SA1 Innsworth - infrastructure delivery position statement, November 2015 (pdf, 4 MB)
INF003 - Infrastructure delivery plan - executive summary ARUP, June 2014 (pdf, 211 KB)
INF004 - Infrastructure funding gap analysis ARUP, September 2016 (pdf, 78 KB)
INF006 - IDP strategic allocations needs summary ARUP, November 2015 (pdf, 4 MB)
INF007 - IDP SA3 - South Churchdown infrastructure needs update ARUP, April 2016 (pdf, 1 MB)
INF007 - IDP SA5 - NW Cheltenham infrastructure needs update ARUP, April 2016 (pdf, 421 KB)
INF007 - IDP SA6 - Leckhampton infrastructure needs update ARUP, April 2016 (pdf, 2 MB)
INF007 - IDP SA8 - MOD Ashchurch infrastructure needs update ARUP, April 2016 (pdf, 402 KB)
INF007 - IDP SA9 - Ashchurch infrastructure needs update ARUP, April 2016 (pdf, 260 KB)
INF008 - Infrastructure funding gap analysis, September 2016 (pdf, 78 KB)
INF009 - IDP additional allocations issue, September 2016 (pdf, 1 MB)
INF011 - Gloucester Reg 123 List December 2017 draft (pdf, 619 KB)
INF012 - Cheltenham Reg 123 List December 2017 draft pdf, 634 KB)
INF013 - Tewkesbury Reg 123 List December 2017 draft (pdf, 627 KB)
Infrastructure delivery position statements for all the strategic allocations
EXAM 168 - Strategic allocations infrastructure needs summary (pdf, 4MB)
EXAM 168A - SA infrastructure delivery position update - South Churchdown (pdf, 1 MB)
EXAM 168B - SA infrastructure delivery position update - NW Cheltenham (pdf, 421 KB)
EXAM 168C - SA infrastructure delivery position update - Leckhampton (pdf, 2 MB)
EXAM 168D - SA infrastructure delivery position update - MOD Aschurch.pdf (pdf, 402 KB)
EXAM 168E - SA infrastructure delivery position update - Aschurch.pdf (pdf, 260 KB)
Draft CIL policies maps
Preliminary draft charging schedule - June 2015
The Preliminary Draft Charging Schedules were subject to public consultation between 29 May 2015 and 10 July 2015.
Preliminary draft charging schedule - Cheltenham Borough Council (pdf, 741 KB)
Preliminary draft charging schedule - Gloucester City Council (pdf, 155 KB)
Preliminary draft charging schedule - Tewkesbury Borough Council (pdf, 1 MB)
A summary report can be accessed by following the link below:
JCS Authorities consideration of issues raised in consultation responses can be accessed by following the link below:
Draft charging schedule - June 2016
The Draft Charging Schedules were subject to public consultation between 13 May 2016 and 24 June 2016,
Draft charging schedule - Cheltenham Borough Council (pdf, 672 KB)
Draft charging schedule - Gloucester City Council (pdf, 698 KB)
Draft charging schedule - Tewkesbury Borough Council (pdf, 665 KB)
The draft CIL Instalments policy was also consulted upon during this period and can be accessed by following the link below:
Responses received can be accessed by following the link below:
A summary report can be accessed by following the link below:
Statements of Modifications - August 2017
The reason for the statements of modifications was to ensure that the proposed Draft Charging Schedules were aligned with the latest version of the Joint Core Strategy.
SOM001 - Proposed statement of modifications - Gloucester City Council (pdf, 2 MB)
SOM002 - Proposed statement of modifications - Cheltenham Borough Council (pdf, 3 MB)
SOM003 - Proposed statement of modifications - Tewkesbury Borough Council (pdf, 5 MB)
A consultation was held from 28 July 2017 - originally until 29 August 2017, then extended until 5 September 2017. Responses received to the consultation on the proposed modifications to the draft charging schedules can be accessed by following the link below: