CIL examination document library
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Please note: This page is no longer being updated and is for information only. It relates to the now adopted Joint Core Strategy.
Submission documents
SUB001 - Gloucester City draft charging schedule (pdf, 652 KB)
SUB002 - Cheltenham Borough Council draft charging schedule (pdf, 624 KB)
SUB003 - Tewkesbury Borough Council draft charging schedule (pdf, 618 KB)
SUB004 - PBA plan viability, CIL and affordable housing study, January 2016 (pdf, 2 MB)
SUB005 - JCS CIL regulations instalments policy (pdf, 68 KB)
VIA001 - DVS viability assessment study, stage 1, June 2014 (pdf, 136 KB)
VIA002 - DVS viability assessment study, stage 2, March 2015 (pdf, 2 MB)
VIA003 - DVS viability assessment study, update stage 1 and stage 3, February 2015 (pdf, 285 KB)
VIA004 - CIL viability study - consultation workshop meeting note, October 2014 (pdf, 98 KB)
VIA005 - JCS viability round table – note of common and uncommon ground, July 2015 (pdf, 98 KB)
VIA006 - JCS CIL regulations instalments policy (pdf, 68 KB)
VIA007 - Additional strategic site report - final (PBA), September 2016 (pdf, 786 KB)
VIA008 - Winnycroft strategic site appraisal report (pdf, 439 KB)
VIA009 - PBA plan viability, CIL and affordable housing study, January 2016 (pdf, 2 MB)
INF001 - JCS infrastructure delivery plan, August 2014 (pdf, 3 MB)
INF002 - SA1 Innsworth - infrastructure delivery position statement, November 2015 (pdf, 4 MB)
INF003 - Infrastructure delivery plan - executive summary ARUP, June 2014 (pdf, 211 KB)
INF004 - Infrastructure funding gap analysis ARUP, September 2016 (pdf, 78 KB)
INF006 - IDP strategic allocations needs summary ARUP, November 2015 (pdf, 4 MB)
INF007 - IDP SA3 - South Churchdown infrastructure needs update ARUP, April 2016 (pdf, 1 MB)
INF007 - IDP SA5 - NW Cheltenham infrastructure needs update ARUP, April 2016 (pdf, 421 KB)
INF007 - IDP SA6 - Leckhampton infrastructure needs update ARUP, April 2016 (pdf, 2 MB)
INF007 - IDP SA8 - MOD Ashchurch infrastructure needs update ARUP, April 2016 (pdf, 402 KB)
INF007 - IDP SA9 - Ashchurch infrastructure needs update ARUP, April 2016 (pdf, 260 KB)
INF008 - Infrastructure funding gap analysis, September 2016 (pdf, 78 KB)
INF009 - IDP additional allocations issue, September 2016 (pdf, 1 MB)
INF011 - Gloucester Reg 123 List December 2017 draft (pdf, 619 KB)
INF012 - Cheltenham Reg 123 List December 2017 draft pdf, 634 KB)
INF013 - Tewkesbury Reg 123 List December 2017 draft (pdf, 627 KB)
Examination documents
CILEXAM001 - Examiner's questions with JCS Team responses (pdf, 173 KB)
CILEXAM002(a) - Examiner's questions with PPE responses on viability (pdf, 2 MB)
CILEXAM002(b) - Additional table: Non-residential, retail, warehouse (pdf, 153 KB)
CILEXAM002(c) - Additional table: Non-residential, small local convenience (pdf, 156 KB)
CILEXAM002(d) - Additional table: Non-residential, smaller supermarket (pdf, 153 KB)
CILEXAM002(e) - Additional table: Non-residential, supermarket (pdf, 163 KB)