Glossary of terms

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Please note: This page is no longer being updated and is for information only. It relates to the now adopted Joint Core Strategy.

- A - C - D - E - F - K - L - P - R - S - U


Area Action Plan (AAP)

A Development Plan Document that may be used by the local planning authority to provide a planning framework for areas of change and areas of conservation. Intended to deal with specific areas and specific requirements such as the redevelopment of an area of derelict land and buildings.


Core Strategy

A Development Plan Document setting out the spatial vision and strategic objectives of the planning framework for an area, having regard to the Community Strategy.


Development Plan Document (DPD)

Development Plan Documents are prepared by local planning authorities and outline the key development goals of the Local Development Framework.

Development Plan Documents include the Core Strategy and, where needed, Area Action Plans. There will also be an adopted proposals map which illustrates the spatial extent of policies that must be prepared and maintained to accompany all DPDs.


Evidence Base

The information and data gathered by local authorities to justify the "soundness" of the policy approach set out in Local Development Documents, including physical, economic, and social characteristics of an area.

Examination in Public (EiP)

Development Plan Documents and the Statement of Community Involvement will be subjected to independent scrutiny by way of an Examination in Public. This is essentially a public inquiry that may be dealt with in a number of ways including written representations, round table sessions, informal hearings and formal inquiry sessions (with legal representation present).


Flood Risk Assessment

An assessment of the likelihood of flooding in a particular area so that development needs and mitigation measures can be carefully considered.


Key Diagram

The diagrammatic interpretation of the spatial strategy as set out in a local authority's Core Strategy. (As distinct from a Structure Plan Key Diagram prepared to explain its policy content).


Local Development Documents (LDD)

Local Development Documents – Sit within the LDF portfolio and comprise Development Plan Documents (DPDs) that have been subject to independent testing and have the weight of development plan status and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) which are not subject to independent testing and do not have development plan status.

Local Development Framework (LDF)

The Local Development Framework is a constantly evolving portfolio of local development documents which will provide the local planning authority’s policies for meeting the community’s economic, environmental and social aims for the future of there area where this affects the development and use of land.

Local Development Scheme (LDS)

The local planning authority's time-scaled programme for the preparation of Local Development Documents that must be agreed with government and reviewed every year.

Local Strategic Partnership (LSP)

A Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) is a single non-statutory, multi-agency body, which matches local authority boundaries, and aims to bring together at a local level the different parts of the public, private, community and voluntary sectors.


Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004)

The Act updates elements of the 1990 Town & Country Planning Act. The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 introduces:

  • a statutory system for regional planning.

  • a new system for local planning.

  • reforms to the development control and compulsory purchase and compensation systems.

  • removal of crown immunity from planning controls.

Planning Policy Guidance (PPG)

National Statements of Planning Policy providing guidance on a range of different topics including housing, retail, employment, transport and so on. To be replaced by Planning Policy Statements.

Planning Policy Statements (PPS)

Replace Planning Policy Guidance notes (PPGs). Designed to be more succinct, to separate policy guidance from practical implementation and to distinguish policy from advice.


Regional Planning Body (RPB)

Responsible for the preparation of the Regional Spatial Strategy. In the case of Gloucester, the RPB is the South West Regional Assembly.

Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS)

Has replaced Regional Planning Guidance (RPG) and forms part of the development plan for the purpose of determining planning applications. Prepared by the Regional Planning Body. The Local Development Framework must be in general conformity with the RSS.


Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

A statement setting out how the Council will involve the community and other interested stakeholders in the preparation of the Local Development Framework.

Strategic Environmental Appraisal (SEA)

A generic term used internationally to describe environmental assessment as applied to policies, plans and programmes.

Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Local Development Document that has not been subject to independent testing and does not have the weight of development plan status. Replaces Supplementary Planning Guidance.

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

Supplementary Planning Guidance may cover a range of issues, both thematic and site specific and provide further detail of policies and proposals in a development plan.

Sustainability Appraisal (SA)

Sustainability appraisal is as a systematic and iterative appraisal process, incorporating the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive. The purpose of sustainability appraisal is to appraise the social, environmental and economic effects of the strategies and policies in a local development document from the outset of the preparation process.

Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS)

Prepared by Local Strategic Partnerships as a set of goals and actions which they, in representing the residential, business, statutory and voluntary interests of a local area, wish to promote. The Community Strategy should inform the Local Development Framework and act as an umbrella for all other strategies devised for the local area.


Urban Extension

Involves the planned expansion of a city or town and can contribute to creating more sustainable patterns of development when located in the right place, with well-planned infrastructure including access to a range of facilities, and when developed at appropriate densities.