The JCS authorities of Cheltenham Borough Council, Gloucester City Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council received the Examiner's report on their submitted Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedules on the 31st July 2018.
The three councils, who together developed and adopted the Joint Core Strategy, or JCS, for their combined area are now coming to the end of the process of introducing their CILs.
The deadline for post examination submissions following the CIL examination hearings which took place 15th to 17th May 2018 have now closed.
The JCS CIL Examination in Public (EiP) hearing dates have now been set.
Notice is hereby given by Gloucester City Council, Cheltenham Borough Council and
Tewkesbury Borough Council in accordance with Regulations 26 and 35 of the Town and
Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, that the Gloucester Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy (“the Plan”) was adopted on 11 December 2017.
Following the full council meeting on Monday 11th December, Cheltenham Borough Council has unanimously voted in favour of adopting the proposed Joint Core Strategy (JCS).
Following the full council meeting on Tuesday 5 December, Tewkesbury Borough Council has voted in favour of adopting the proposed Joint Core Strategy (JCS).
Following the full council meeting on Thursday 23rd November 2017, Gloucester City Council has voted in favour of adopting the proposed Joint Core Strategy (JCS).
Planning Inspector, Elizabeth Ord issued her final report on the 26th October 2017 along with the final schedule of main modifications.
The Proposed Main Modifications have now been agreed by all three JCS authorities for public consultation which will be undertaken from Monday 27th February 2017 to end of day on Monday 10th April 2017.